About the Journal
Welcome to the Jurnal Teknologi dan Bisnis! The Journal of Technology and Business is a multidisciplinary platform that explores the intricate relationship between technology and the business landscape. This journal serves as a conduit for scholars, researchers, and industry professionals to engage in meaningful discussions and contribute valuable insights at the intersection of technology and business domains. Its scope involves various aspects, such as:
- Technology: Research and discussions on various technological advancements, innovations, and applications across different industries.
- Business and Management: Focus on contributions related to business strategies, management practices, and the integration of technology into business operations.
- Entrepreneurship: Exploration of studies and insights into entrepreneurial activities, startup ecosystems, and the impact of technology on new business ventures.
- Economics: Inclusion of discussions on economic aspects influenced by technological developments and their effects on business environments.
Objectives of the Journal:
The Journal of Technology and Business aims to achieve the following objectives:
- Facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas in the fields of technology and business.
- Provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to share innovative approaches and solutions.
- Contribute to the understanding of the dynamic relationship between technology and business.
We invite authors from diverse backgrounds to contribute their research, insights, and perspectives, enhancing our understanding of the dynamic interplay between technology and the business world.